Legal blog by Mag. Osai Amiri, Msc
Studying in Austria as a third-country national - "Residence Permit – Student” („Aufenthaltsbewilligung – Student“)
Students originating from a third country can study in Austria with a "Residence Permit - Student" if they meet certain requirements. Third-country nationals are individuals who are from countries that are neither members of the European Union nor of the European Economic Area.
Study requirements and residence permit for third-country nationals in Austria.
As a third-country national seeking to study in Austria, one must first of all pursue an ordinary or extraordinary study program at a university, university of applied sciences, accredited private university, or a public or private university of pedagogics. In addition, one has to fulfill the general requirements for the granting of a residence title, e.g., a health insurance covering all risks normally covered in Austria.
The “Residence permit – Student” is issued for a total of 12 months and for an extension it is necessary to prove a study success for the previous academic year amounting to at least eight semester hours per week or 16 ECTS credits.
The “Residence permit – Student” is issued for a total of 12 months and for an extension it is necessary to prove a study success for the previous academic year amounting to at least eight semester hours per week or 16 ECTS credits.
Employment alongside your studies and options after graduation for third-country students.
Students from third countries with a residence permit also have the option of pursuing an occupation during their studies, although an employment permit is required for this, which is issued by the Labor Market Service (“Arbeitsmarktservice”). In this context, it is essential that the employment does not interfere with the studies.
After graduating, it is possible to switch from "Residence Permit - Student" to a "Red-White- Red Card" (“Rot-Weiß-Rot – Karte”).
Family members of students with a residence permit can apply for a "Residence Permit - Family Reunification" (“Aufenthaltsbewilligung – Familiengemeinschaft”) if they meet the general requirements.
After graduating, it is possible to switch from "Residence Permit - Student" to a "Red-White- Red Card" (“Rot-Weiß-Rot – Karte”).
Family members of students with a residence permit can apply for a "Residence Permit - Family Reunification" (“Aufenthaltsbewilligung – Familiengemeinschaft”) if they meet the general requirements.